Q1: What is an Ancestors Reading?

A1: An Ancestors Reading is a powerful tool to explore your personal medicine, ancestral connections, and community ties. It delves into your ancestral lineage, helping you understand your heritage, ancestral burdens, gifts, and talents. This reading empowers you to heal, connect, and deepen your relationship with your ancestors and yourself.

Q2: How can I benefit from the Crown of Success Bath Salts?

A2: Our Crown of Success Bath Salts are infused with crystals to help bring overall success and aid in achieving your goals. Use it for a wide range of situations, from job interviews to auditions, and even personal endeavors. This blend eliminates barriers, builds bridges to success, and clears the path to achieving your dreams.

Q3: What makes our Soulful Jewelry unique?

A3: Our Soulful Jewelry collection is more than adornment—it's a wearable affirmation of intention. Each piece carries energies to inspire and uplift, offering you a constant reminder of your journey's purpose. These exquisite pieces are designed to harmonize with your spirit, guiding you toward a life of balance and fulfillment.

Q4: How do Condition Oils work?

A4: Our Condition Oils are crafted to infuse your intentions with energy. They can be applied to candles, hands, wallets, and more, focusing your thoughts and desires on specific areas of your life. By anointing objects or yourself with these oils, you create a direct channel for your intentions to manifest, inviting blessings and success.
Q5: What are Fixed Candles and how can they help me?

A5: Fixed Candles are candles that have been ritually dressed and set with specific intentions. Lighting a Fixed Candle ignites the energies of your desires, drawing in positive forces to help manifest your wishes. These candles serve as potent tools for focused intention, guiding you toward success, love, and various life goals.

Q6: How do I use the Attract Love Candle?

A6: Our Attract Love Candle is designed to draw love into your life, whether it's new love, self-love, or love from others. Light the candle with clear intentions, focusing on the love you wish to welcome. As the flame burns, visualize love surrounding you. This candle acts as a beacon, attracting the energies of affection and connection